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 S1x Errors | X Labs

Q: XUID does not match the certificate

XUID does not match the certificate

A: You are on an outdated build of S1x. Grab the latest from here.



A: Install the DLCs.

Q: Couldn't find the bsp for this map.

Couldn't find the bsp for this map

A: Install the DLCs, or if you are 100% sure you installed them right, just restart your game.

Q: Script Error: An error has occurred in the script on this page.

Script Error

A: Try restarting the launcher. If it still happens, make a shortcut of S1x.exe and add -multiplayer at the end of the target field.

Q: Unable to load import '#4' from module 'XINPUT1_3.dll'

A: Install DirectX.

Q: Blank Menu (No Singleplayer/Multiplayer Option)

A: Try restarting the launcher or, if it still happens, make a shortcut of S1x.exe and add -multiplayer at the end of the target field. You may find several flags here.

Q: Disc read error

Disc read error

A: Verify your game files through Steam, or use the S1x Repair Guide.

Q: Unknown block compression type: 0.

Unknown block compression type: 0

A: Verify your game files through Steam, or use the S1x Repair Guide.

Q: Failed to read/map game binary

A: Make sure S1x.exe is in your Advanced Warfare directory. If this still happens, verify your game files using Steam or use the S1x Repair Guide

Q: The code execution cannot proceed because steam_api64.dll was not found.

A: Make sure you are launching the game with S1x.exe, instead of the s1_mp64_ship.exe.

Q: Create2DTexture(...) failed.

Create2DTexture(...) failed

A: Make sure your GPU drivers are up-to-date. If it still happens, disable shader preload in your video settings.

Q: Unable to find a supported monitor.

Create2DTexture(...) failed

A: Make sure your GPU meets the minimum requirements. If you're using a laptop make sure S1x uses your dedicated GPU.

Q: Can't move mouse in game.

A: This is caused by third party software such as overlays, please quit them before starting the game.